Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Networking – Preparing the next Ecademy event in Brussels

A couple of weeks ago I decided to get involved in the organisation of the next Ecademy event in Brussels on Sept. 14, 2006.

As I mentioned in a previous blog, Ecademy is my favourite networking platform, because of the vast amount of functionalities and most of all because of its underlying values of trust and mutual help.

I experienced it as extremely helpful during the last two years and I know for sure it would benefit many SME owners, entrepreneurs and self-employed here in Belgium.

Unfortunately while Ecademy has a good foothold in the Dutch-speaking part of my tiny country, the response has been a disappointingly low among my French-speaking compatriots.

The evening is planned for Sept. 14th and will actually be a launch, since Ecademy has never been very active in Brussels.

The event will include a speech on 'how to apply Sun Tzu's Art of War to modern corporate politics', and an explanation of the main benefits of the platform.

I really hope this evening will make clear that online business networking means extraordinary benefits for entrepreneurs, and will trigger the interest online networking deserves.

Wait and see!

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